• 3D Printer REPRAP RAMPS-FD Control Board Mainboard Ramps1.4 Improved Version

3D Printer REPRAP RAMPS-FD Control Board Mainboard Ramps1.4 Improved Version

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  • Price:$38.29
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    Price /Unit $37.52 $36.76 $35.61 $34.08 Contact US

3D Printer REPRAP RAMPS-FD Control Board Mainboard Ramps1.4 Improved Version


- When you use Arduino DUE as your 3D printer controller, you will find out RAMPS1.4 is whether  the Arduino DUE is based on Atmel SAM3X8E micro control board DUE. The importance of compatibility is DUE uses Atmel SAM3X8E chip works at 3.3V, 5V , will damage the chip. Hence, we produce a new RAMPS-FD, to replace TRampsl.4 compability

Compared to Ramps一FD and Rampsl.4, Ramps-FD has measures as follows:
- Ramps-FD has other hardware protection, control motor IC by jumper wire
- Ramps-FD has more 2 channels PWM than Rampsl.4
- Ramps-FD has larger driving force tahn Rampsl.4
- Ramps-FD power supply has two options: 12V and 24V

Why to choose Arduino DUE rather than Arduino MEGA
- CPU working voltage: 3.3V
- Large current IO pin has 15mA 9mA
- CPU max 130mA
- DUE has one professional SPI terminal and 4 functions USART/SPI terminal. This SPI terminal is not used at ICSP DUE
- DUE has no EEPROM

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